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Odyssey of the Mind

Calling all engineers, writers, actors, scientists, problemsolvers, project managers, artists, and creative thinkers!


In Odyssey of the Mind, students work together in teams from October-March to:

  • Develop a solution to a complex problem by means of an 8-minute skit.

  • Practice creative thinking and risk-taking.

  • Learn new skills and practice others.

  • Develop confidence in their abilities.

  • Work as a part of a team.

  • Do it ALL themselves.

  • Have lots of fun, make new friends, and learn at the same time!

  • Present their skits and tackle an unknown problem at the Regional Tournament.


COACHES NEEDED! Please contact if you are interested in coaching an Odyssey of the Mind Team! 


Submit a student interest form: 

  • If there is enough student interest and if we have enough parent coaches, the PTA will help form teams of 5-8 students per team


For more information and a short synopsis of this year’s problems, go to and to learn more about coaching, participating, and general information. 

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